OBJECTIVE OF DIRTY SCHULTZ: Have the highest ranking hand and take the pot.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-5 players

NUMBER OF CARDS: standard 52-card

RANK OF CARDS: A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2





Dirt Schultz is a Seven Card Stud variation in which the spades, the queens, and especially the queen of spades play an important and unique role in play. This variation, in particular, is similar to Follow the Queen, another variation on Seven Card Stud in which queens are dealt face-up and the next card dealt is wild.

However, in Dirty Schultz, wildcards are caused by the dealing of a natural pair. This can be explained rather simply. A card that is dealt face-up which is the same rank as a face-up card in a player’s hand causes the next card to be dealt to become a wild card. The previous wild card ceases to be wild once a new is dealt.


The rules and mechanics of play in Seven Card Stud is very similar to that of Five Card Stud. This article assumes the reader is familiar with certain poker semantics. If you are new to poker, check out Poker Basics to familiarize yourself with the jargon and general structure of poker games.

Before the first official betting round, the dealer gives each player two cards face-down (hole cards) and one card face-up. The player with the lowest face-up card pays the bring-in bet. Ties for the low card are broken by suit rankings. If there is a bring-in bet, the first player betting in the official round may not check. Betting begins with the player who has the highest card. If there was no bring-in, this player may check (not place a bet). If players tie for high card, the first player immediately clockwise to the dealer begins the betting.

After the initial round of betting, players are dealt another face-up card after the burn card. A burn card is a card on the top of the deck the dealer discards, it is not used by the players. The dealer passes out cards starting from their left. The player whose two face-up cards (or upcards) begins the second round of betting. Since there are less than five upcards players are unable to make straights, flushes, or full houses. Once all the cards are dealt player bet again, starting with the player with the highest hand. This stipulation for the first bet remains consistent throughout the game- the first player to bet always has the highest hand. Betting passes clockwise afterward.

At the end of the second round of betting another upcard is dealt followed by another round of betting. This is followed by a fourth upcard and a fourth betting round. However, after the fourth betting round the fifth card is distributed face-down. After is the fifth betting round and then a showdown if more than one player remains.

Seven card stud is simplified as, “two down, four up, one down,” which refers to the quantity and order of the way cards are dealt.

In games with eight players, including the burn cards, seven card stud uses 60 cards in gameplay. This is often not an issue, despite that decks are only 52 cards, because many players fold before the end of the hand. However, if the deck runs dry during gameplay, the burn cards may be used if they fulfill the needed amount of cards. If they do not, instead of players receiving a down-card in the final round, there is a single community card dealt to the table. All players share this card. Cards that were discarded from folded hands may not be used. 우리카지노


From the seven cards collected through gameplay, at showdown players who remain will try to make the best hand out of five cards they possibly can. The player with the highest ranking hand (Poker Hand Rankings) wins the pot, if there is a tie, the pot is split.

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